It’s been too hot and I’ve been too busy to sit outside and take a lot of pictures, so here’s a few of the stray photos I’ve taken lately.
There’s one stray pumpkin(?) plant growing up by the barn. Makes me a bit sad, it’s too late in the year for it to make a pumpkin and there’s no other flowers around to pollinate it anyway, but the flower is pretty.
Neo and Danny, Lady’s first and last lambs. Danny still looks like a younger carbon copy of his older brother.
“Can’t you do something about this rain??”
The scratch and dent section this morning, Angel and Jeb with their matching broken horns, Nina and her split ear, Neo with his lumpy head, Bran with the wool still obviously shorter and darker where he had to get shaved where they stitched his shoulder up. Let’s not have any more adventures of that kind for a while, guys.
The hole the sheep have eaten in the yard is deep enough now for them to play ostrich in. Still no idea why they want to tunnel to China right there.
“This mud is yummy!”
Blue is doing great, though he has decided that everyone should be in the same room at all times and he whines and frets about it if anyone “escapes.” It is impossible to sneak away without him noticing, even if he’s asleep.
Blue when I’m sitting on the couch (as I always should, according to Blue!)
“Are you leaving???”
Blue when I near-silently shift my weight because I’m thinking of going and getting a snack from the kitchen.
“OK good, false alarm. Back to napping!”
Blue when I decide a snack isn’t worth making him get up and fuss after all.
I know it’s July and there’s a lot of summer left, but I’m glad the rain gave us a little cooler morning today. It’s too hot for the sheep in general and too hot for Blue to stay outside long, and he needs the exercise.