We locked the girls out of their large field a while ago, because it was looking a bit over-grazed and we wanted to let it recover before winter. This was a massively unpopular move, but the sheep are mostly resigned to it. Except if we go out in the middle of the day, then we must obviously have come to open the gate.
“We’re starving, open the gate!”
The boys were also hanging around their gate into that field, maybe thinking if the girls weren’t allowed in someone should be allowed in. A closed field is of course the best grass around.
Except for Mira, who was of course more interested in crunchies.
“Any crunchies for your baby, Mommy?”
“Let me make sure no one’s looking…”
“OK, quick, they’re not looking! Give me crunchies!”
I did not have any crunchies, but Lady also had to come check. As flock matriarch and everything, if there are any crunchies she should get a share.
“Did I hear something about crunchies?”
Once they decided there were no crunchies and I wasn’t going to open the gate, they all ran to the yard.
“Useless ShepherdPerson, doesn’t care if we starve!”
… and congregated around the other gate into the closed field.
“We have nothing to eat because this gate is closed, woe is us!”
Look at all that grass, I’m pretty sure the yard is actually larger than their regular field. In all fairness I’m not sure if they were hanging out there because of the gate or the shade, but it’s still funny.
I let Mira follow us into the field to evaluate the grass situation, firstly because she’s usually good about following me back if I let her go through gates with me and secondly because she runs up and down the fence crying if I don’t let her follow me. This time she decided to be stubborn and refuse to leave the Forbidden Grass.
“You go on, Mommy, I’m good here!”
It took two people, a lot of coaxing and/or chasing, and a minor temper tantrum on her part to get her back on her side of the gate. Probably if I’d actually left she would have eventually come running, but odds were good the rest of the flock would run in before she came out if I left the gate open. Once we got her out she camped in front of the gate and sulked.
“Worst. Mommy. Ever.”
I am a terrible mother. No treats, never let her have any fun. She gave up and ran off to the rest of the flock once we went back to the house.
“We’re so glad you’re back!”
We had to re-electrify the net fencing because Watcher kept trying to chew through to the sheep side and Nova kept getting her head stuck trying to graze on the dog side. There’s one section of the netting that looks like it’s more patches than intact strands. I’m sure Watcher thinks everything would have been much easier if I’d taken him along to boss the sheep around.
“I need belly rubs!”
Or not. Sigh. Maybe he was on break.
The sheep may be grumpy about being banned from the field, but I’m sure they’ll appreciate having grass in there later.